
Your ETS Disaster Bag

Update: June 2022

Your ETS Disaster Bag

ETS Disaster Zip Bag

Simple action now will make life easier later.

Do you know which Perelandra tools are most helpful to have with you and use when facing disaster and the aftermath?

And if you have a Disaster Bag (kudos!), when was the last time you swapped out those Solutions for newer bottles?

(To be clear — the Solutions don't expire, but the droppers can degrade over time, so you want to be sure you either swap out the droppers for new ones. Or the next time you buy ETS for Humans put the new bottles in your go bag and use the older bottles.)


NOAA’s seasonal forecast is for overall Atlantic hurricane activity and does not predict how many storms will pass near or over land. But “it only takes one storm to damage your home, neighborhood and community. . . . Preparedness is key to resilience, and now is the time to get ready for the upcoming hurricane season.” For a 7th Year, a Busy Hurricane Season Is Expected [The New York Times, May 24, 2022]


Extreme heat, fire, flood, hurricane, tornado . . . those are just the top five recent weather-related disasters. Sometimes other disasters hit closer to home, and force you to turn on a dime. And sometimes they require you to move quickly. Have ETS at hand so you can grab it right away.

After a disaster has hit, we may not be able to get supplies to you due to service disruptions in the area. And if you need to evacuate, you want to be able to take what you need with you, not try to figure out where you might have it shipped after the dust settles.

In a crisis we need simplicity. That's where the ETS Disaster Bag comes in.

From Machaelle: I'm thinking about the unthinkable in a different way and I'm hoping you'll join me. Instead of trying to do something from the back end of a disaster, I'd like to encourage everyone to respond from the front end instead. When dealing with a disaster, here's the easiest, most important and helpful thing Perelandra has to immediately offer to you: ETS. Taking ETS keeps us up and functioning during these times. It enables us to think and respond in ways that are useful when it comes to protecting ourselves and our families. It enables us to deal with the post-disaster problems: finding food, water and shelter; looking for family photos and belongings; dealing with government agencies and insurance companies; death and funerals; and the challenges of reorganizing and restructuring our lives.


Researchers used new data to calculate fire threats to homes and other properties throughout the lower 48 states. We made a map. . . . Risk is something I think about every day in my coverage of climate change. Now that we know the risks of life on an overheated planet, what do we do to minimize suffering? Know your risks. Then prepare[The New York Times, May 17, 2022]


Hang your ETS Disaster Bag on your door.

ETS Disaster Zip Bag on Door
  • Have your bag(s) ready now, so if you need to evacuate you can grab the bag on your way out.

  • Include enough ETS for Humans for everyone in your family, and a bottle of ETS for Animals for your pets.

As soon as possible before, during and after a disaster: Take one dropperful of ETS and then give a dropperful to anyone else who is with you — adult, child or animal. (When ordering ETS for Humans, or anytime you order, you can request a quick-reference card to include in your "go" bag that gives the dosages for everyone.)

During disaster aftermath, take ETS five times daily. One time first thing in the mornings, one time in the evenings before going to sleep, and three more times throughout the day. By the way, one 2-oz. bottle of ETS taken 5 times daily should last about 3 weeks.

Continue taking ETS daily so you can keep breathing, and thinking, and moving forward as you process what's happening.

Expanding Your Disaster Bag

  • If you have any extra EoP Infusion Pumps, keep them in the bag. The balancing support of the EoP Infusion Pump will help you maintain your equilibrium while you're dealing with your new reality.

  • Include the Most Important Daily Solutions in your bag. A 2-oz. bottle of each — Virus, Bacteria, Immune, Lymphatic — will last you about 2 months. The smaller 1/2-oz. bottles will last about 2 weeks, but the smaller bottles would enable you to include the Nervous and Respiratory Solutions in the bag as well. These Perelandra Solutions provide important daily balancing to the elements and systems that are most challenged in day-to-day life and new environments. (Note: So you don't have to try to remember the basic rules for taking your drops, you may wish to request an extra set of the free quick-reference instruction cards for these Solutions with your next order.)

Check your Disaster Bag. Are you missing anything? Need to replace it?

Get your ETS Disaster Bag ready now, so all you have to do when facing a disaster is focus on the safety of your family and home. If you need anything, order it right away.

If you're in an area that's recently been hit (and can receive deliveries) or facing an imminent event, let us know when you order. We will prioritize your order to get your bottles to you as quickly as possible.

Being prepared can make all the difference. Don't wait.


Preparing Your ETS Disaster Bag

  • The Perelandra Zip Bag will easily hold five 2-oz. bottles and five 1/2-oz. bottles.

  • Take the shrink bands off the bottles when they arrive. Shrink bands are annoying during the best of times. Don't make yourself have to deal with a damn shrink band while you're trying to survive a disaster.

  • If you can, include a couple of extra 1/2-oz. bottles of ETS to give to your neighbors. Note: With our "crappy" times policy offer, you will receive a free 1/2-oz. bottle of ETS for Humans with each 2-oz. bottle of ETS for Humans you buy.

  • Don't forget your animals. Add a bottle of ETS for Animals to your bag. Give them one dose (a dropperful) three times throughout each day until their lives settle back down.

  • Your ETS Disaster Bag is hanging there in case of a disaster. You will need to replace any bottles you take out of the bag for "non-disaster problems" right away so you're not picking up an empty tote as you are running out the door. The best thing is to have on hand other bottles of ETS to use for the "normal" problems we deal with in life so you won't have to reach into your tote.

If you use ETS in vinegar, check your droppers for drying, cracking or softening periodically (once a month if your home is not climate controlled). The rubber dropper breaks down more quickly with the vinegar preservative. Change out the ETS bottles in your Disaster Bag with new ones every 6 months, or whenever your see any signs of dropper deterioration.

If you use brandy preservative, your droppers should hold up longer. Change the bottles in your Disaster Bag once a year.

More about using ETS before, during and after severe weather and disasters


This simple checklist from our local electric company is an easy way to think about and prepare what you will need in addition to your ETS Disaster Bag: Storm Prep Checklist.

This checklist from CNN is also easy to follow: What to do and what to pack when a hurricane's coming.

And this checklist from the American Red Cross will help you put together an emergency kit that includes added pandemic safety supplies for protection and social distancing or separation: What do you need in a survival kit?
